In 2009 the Darley family became custodians of Church Farm. Although still early days for English wine, Sunday evening discussions quickly turned from “Countryfile” Alpaca to vineyards. An exacting analysis was commissioned and produced a compelling report: the terroir was indeed ideal for growing grapes for outstanding English Sparkling Wine. The first vine was planted in May 2011 and the journey began.
The name All Angels is taken from Enborne’s C12th Parish Church, the estate’s nearest and oldest neighbour. The All Angels shield reflects the unique story of Church Farm and its surroundings, spanning eight centuries and shaping the history of Britain itself.

The Vineyards
Each of the vineyards faces south with rolling slopes, making the most of the sun’s rays throughout the year. Free draining sandy loam over greensand with warming gravel and flint and shallow clay deposits provide ideal growing conditions. Healthy soil is key to the finest grapes and All Angels places great weight on ensuring it has the best through sustainable practices. The vines are hand nurtured and the vineyards surveyed three times each day to check on progress - no need for roses at the end of the All Angels rows.

The Wines
For full wine list & export prices, please contact -
A love and respect for nature have always been a priority for All Angels and the owners consider it an honour to have responsibility for protecting and improving the habitat of the richly diverse flora, fauna and birdlife.
Holtwood, All Angels’ largest vineyard, has given it the chance to transform rough scrubland into a wildflower meadow interspersed with apple orchards and ponds to create a haven for birds, wild bees and wetland wildlife.